Tuesday, June 14, 2005

How to pronounce "Zagat"

Okay. So I am a nut, I admit it. Before moving to Boston I pronounced Zagat as in Zagat Survey, as ZA-git (rhymes with maggot). After hanging around Stephen and his pals, I got into the habit of accepting the pronounciation, za-GHAT (the gat rhyming with not).

But to settle things once and for all I have just visited zagat.com to find the key to pronouncing the silly name.
za-GAT' - rhymes with "the cat"

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

buffet woes

thank goodness summer is here. the uncontrolable urge to eat passed last Wednesday only to have been trampled by the mandatory going away outing to Minado, a Japanese buffet out in the burbs. Seriously, I ate my first raw and cooked oysters. they were okay. Overall it wasn't even as good as West Coast chain buffet, Todai, but it wasn't as bad as I feared I could have been.